056 – “Asset Life-Cycle Information Management (ALCIM)”
Author: Jeremy Johnson
Company: Robins AFB/Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex
Phone: (478) 327-2659
Email: jeremy.johnson.5@us.af.mil
The Asset LifeCycle Information Management (ALCIM) program addresses the Air Force Sustainment Center’s (AFSC) high priority technology need to provide operational efficiency metrics of key manufacturing machinery, assess the need for proactive maintenance using advanced machine learning algorithms, and provide situational awareness of these key assets. The ALCIM program effectively addresses these needs through the integration of successful SBIR programs, both, hardware and software engineering support technologies. ALCIM specifically addresses aspects of the Efficient Depot and Intelligent Sustainment Network attributes of the Air Force’s Complex of the Future strategy by providing WR-ALC MXSS (Maintenance Support Squadron) with the capability to schedule maintenance based on the actual condition of machine assets to reduce unanticipated downtime in key support areas.
Scheduling for baseline work packages involves careful planning and consideration of multiple factors, including tasks, machine scheduling, work crews, and precedence of some types of work over others in order to maintain smooth overall operations flow. Providing continuous operations support for Efficient Depot requires constant adjustments to resources and schedules as asset availability becomes limited due to scheduled and unscheduled PM events. ALCIM supplies objective evidence to MXSS maintainers of actual machine usage and run time to drive preventative maintenance and reactive maintenance.
Specifically, ALCIM integrates:
1) The LifeMeter hardware based program for Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) where objective evidence of asset utilization at the machine component level is captured and evaluated. 2) The ARViSS (Analysis of Resources with Visualization and Integrated Simulation Support) information visualization and simulation program that provides a robust, macro level view of WR-ALC for aircraft repair and redeployment through data integration and powerful visualization capabilities.
3) A machine learning that uses multiple .condition indicators application to notify operators of out of tolerance machine conditions.
ALCIM provides WR-ALC engineering with an integrated “data wall display” solution. CBM information is utilized indicating status of LifeMeter instrumented machines and alerts to out of tolerance operations to reduce costly downtime periods. Specifically, ALCIM features “at a glance” graphical, near real time mechanical, electrical and machine component performance monitoring as well as objective evidence of actual machine usage and run time to drive preventative maintenance and reactive maintenance.